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20 Sex Chat Messages to Get You Started

When it comes to sending sex chat messages it can be difficult to get started. Once the conversation is flowing and you're both getting in the mood, you'll find that everything comes naturally and you'll have no problem getting down to the dirty. However, getting the initial sexting conversation started can cause bafflement.

There's no guide or book entitled 'Sexting 101' and so many of us start out not knowing what to do or say. For example, if you're sitting at home one night and are in the mood for some sex chat what do you do about it? Well, the quickest, easiest and arguably the best solution is to use Fling and the sex chat services it provides. But one question remains, what do you say?

Sex Chat Message Ideas

We've compiled a list of 20 great sext message you can send to someone to get the conversation started. Some of these sex chat messages are to encourage teasing, some are for telling the other person what you want to do to them and some are requests for them to do something to you. However, they are all straight to the point and are sure to get the reaction you want. There's no way someone can reply to these without carrying on what you've already started. Take a look!

1. I'm going to let you do anything you want to me.
2. I want you to be really, really rough.
3. Tell me what you think about when you masturbate. Is it me?
4. I want you to tell me how naughty I've been. Punish me.
5. I'm going to make you cum so hard tonight, I hope you're ready.
6. I wish I was there touching and kissing you.
7. Wanna know what I've been thinking about all day? You.
8. I don't know why but all I want right now is sex, with you.
9. I had a dream last night that was SO hot. Wanna hear about it?
10. I bet you look so hot right now. Tell me what you're wearing.
11. It's so hot when I think about you tying me up.
12. I'm so hard right now/I'm so wet right now.
13. You may be so hard/You make me so wet.
14. You make me want you so bad. Tell me what you'd do to me.
15. I'm feeling really horny tonight, do you want to know what I'm thinking about?
16. I want you to tease me until I beg you to stop.
17. Hey, what're you wearing right now?
18. If you could do anything to me, what would you do?
19. I wish you were here right now, I'm so horny!
20. What's the hottest thing you've ever done?

These messages are also created to use mid-conversation if you are running out of things to say or are finding it hard to concentrate. Simply choose one that allows you to bring the conversation back to where you want it to be. Perhaps you want to talk more about what that person is wearing or what they want to be doing to you, just use the appropriate text.

Give Sexting a Try

The chances are you have already tried sexting as most people have, but did you give it your best shot? Sexting is more than just sending a cheeky text message here and there, and it should be more centred towards creating an image of what you both are doing. Creating suspense and teasing the other person is perfect for sending sex chat message as not only does it help to build the story of what's happening, but it also keeps you both interested.

Of course, quick sex chat messages here and there are great fun too. Especially if the other person is at work or busy with friends and you're able to tease them.

Get started with sex chat today using Fling. Whether you're into MILFs, shemales, teens, men, women, gay sex, housewifes or mature women we have someone for you to talk to. Simply text 'FLING' and you're preference to 69992 and you'll be sending sex chat messages back and forth with someone who is just as horny as you are. Pretty great, right? Sign up today and give sexting a try. We're sure you won't regret it.

SMS Sex Text Chat Text FLING to 69992

Texts cost £1.50 per message, you will receive up to two messages at £1.50 each for every 1 message sent.
Messages sent are charged at your usual network rate. All users must be 18+.

Text Sex Chat | SMS Sex Chat | Sexting

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