Sexy Text Chat with FLING on your Mobile

Text FLING to 69992

£1.50 per text, you will receive up to two texts at £1.50 each for every 1 message sent. Texts sent in are charged at your usual network rate. All users must be 18+.

Text 'FLING' and Your Postcode

Get off with the UK sexy girls in just minutes for adult chat! With so many girls to choose from there is bound to be one for you! Contact REAL Girls in seconds and start Text Chat now!

Terms and conditions : All users must be 18+. Texts cost £1.50 per message, you will receive up to two messages at £1.50 each for every 1 message sent. Messages sent are charged at your usual network rate. By texting 69992 you consent to us sending you promotional information. To end the service and all promotional messages text STOP to 69992. This is NOT a subscription service. You must be the bill payer or have the bill payers permission. Vodafone, Virgin, O2, EE and Three. These messages are from REAL WOMEN, not a computer generated response. For entertainment purposes only. No Meetings or Dating implied or guaranteed. Revernet Ltd, Suite 11, Penhurst House, 352-356 Battersea Park Road, London SW11 3BY. Helpline: 0800 4714942.

mobile Sexting
Sexting Text Chat

Sexting Text Chat

Text FLING to 69992

(£1.50 per text, you will receive up to two texts at £1.50 each for every 1 message sent.
Texts sent in are charged at your usual network rate.) All users must be 18+.

Girl Next Door SMS Sexting Text Chat

Attainable, average, every-day girls are abundant on our service, they're certainly not shy when it comes to expressing their sexual needs and sharing pic's of their most intimate bits!

As you avail the services of Fling Text Chat, you would be able to find attractive, every-day girls apart from matured women. Post receiving the details, you can get a long list of girls who are certainly shy. But, then it’s on you on how you can get her closer. Either share pictures or bring in the excitement through funny messages. You can also double fun by showing a desire of being her soulmate. You’re SMS sexting chat would be the best all along the way.

With us, you would find it easier to drive away the emptiness. There’s nothing as better than this when you wonder about a perfect pastime. SMS texting would make you imagine about chatting with a girl next door or someone down the lane. Naughty fantasies are sure to fill her up and arouse the instinct of meeting you sometime later. You’d never get tired or bored when the chat never ends.
Text FLING to 69992

Texts cost £1.50 per message, you will receive up to two messages at £1.50 each for every 1 message sent.
Messages sent are charged at your usual network rate. All users must be 18+.

Fling Sex Chat is a fabulous Girl Next Door Sex text Chat cam service. Our Girl Next Door Text Chat service is very popular with men of all ages. Our horny Girl's Next Door are waiting for you to text from the comfort of their bedroom. They will send you naughty photo's and they would love it if you sent them one too, but to get started just flirt and text your fantasies.